Location: MICHIGAN, United States

Thank you for stopping by. It's my hope you find glimpses of my Savior interwoven thru my writings. I am the wife to one husband for over 25 years, a blessed mama to a dozen children, yes each born from me ~ two of which see Jesus face to face & ten at home, all of us yearning to see Jesus someday. We have been home educating for over 18 years with . . . well, another 15 years to go (the youngest is 3, the oldest 23!) I have walked through rejection, to continually learning I am CALLED, LOVED and forever KEPT by God - never, ever to be rejected by Jesus! (Jude 1:1) I've walked through deep sorrow to find that joy does come again, though the night may be long; I've witnessed God orchestrating miracles with my children still beyond my comprehension, & I am seeing new love forming as we begin a new road of older children finding life mates. My life has and is a journey, from the deepest, almost rock bottom pit, to stumbling through my faith and looking towards the ultimate climax of everlasting life in heaven. Will you be joining me here and there? ~ Loni

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Jesus Will Still Be There . . .

We've had some rough days. Just when we think things seem better, we stumble and fall, and the wounds reopen. So many write how strong we are. It's God's strength, and when we don't depend on that, we are pretty weak. We've had some weak days. Just keep praying. Below is a song that touched me, but wanted to answer some questions too that several have asked:

I'm wondering how everyone is doing?? Overall everyone is doing good. There are still memories that trigger things - from taking showers to going downstairs alone. We still get junk mail in his name that we wish would end! There are days when one or more of the children will just really break down and sob over missing Matthew. One of our younger ones just does not understand and will often ask if we can "go see Matthew in that box" and asks if he is awake yet. I think the hardest part for all of us is that our lives ARE different. We've changed. Personal relationships and friendships are different and changed - some even drifted. This has all been a painful growing experience - espeically for our children. We are still all adjusting. We do look forward to daily things more.

How are Stephen's classes going? He is doing great. He is taking both automotive and welding coures and doing very well. Last semester he had A's in his two classes, and this semester he has 3 classes, and so far doing great. He is also doing an (unpaid) internship at two different automotive repair shops.

Did Norm get a job? He is still working out of our home, and we are "squeeking by". He is getting ads out again to start up the lawnmower repairing and already has a man that wants his mower tuned up ready to go (and we are gettting a bad snow/ice storm here!). He's been getting occassional snowblower and chainsaw repairs. We also took in puppies in both January and February which we don't usually do as it is a slow time during the year, but they sold! For now Norm feels led to stay home and work. If something came up or he read an ad of an appropriate job, he'd apply, but I think he has been very discouraged with the Michigan employment market.

Are the kids able to make it through the week without any nightmares? Thankfully, this is not a problem anymore. One of our children has regular "good dreams" of Matthew (which I am jealous of).

How is your room decorating going? SLOW! We only spend money we have, and will not go into debt, so it's been very slow. In time Norm has to rent "something" (not sure what it's called) to be able to put the ceiling u and rent "something" for putting the carpet in and have some supplies to get with this as well. After that is done, it should go quicker - we have the paint, carpet and wallpaper. I have some sheer material on layaway at Walmart that matched perfectly with our paint and was so excited to find it on the $2 a yard table! We were also just blessed with a wonderful gift of a dozen towels & washcloths for our new bathroom! Of course, this does not seem to get done quick enough and our twin teen girls are VERY anxious to have a little more privacy and be in their own room. They have decorating ideas then too . . . but one thing at a time! My little craft room and our closet off our room are finished which was an "add-on" thought to change the look of the room more and be able to change the layout of it.

How is homeschooling going? Much better. The kids are getting more done, and motivated much more with it. We are able to work some of their AWANA into our schooling and also more of their interests into it. One of our daughters is interested in herbs and planning her herb garden for the spring and doing lots of research. It was kind of neat with something else. We mainly use Saxon Math for our children from 4th grade through 12th grade which is an excellent program. One of our children really struggles with it though, and just cannot grasp the concepts. I was ready to make a trip into the "big city" which we don't do often, to try to find something else. But we had gone to Good Will that day and I found an old Arithmetic book which spells things out really well, and it's an "antique book" which this child loves. And, I got it for only 50 cents! So, that has helped remotivate and reinspire and math is going MUCH better! :) We have to get going a little more with one of our younger children, but I have to get some books for her too which we have held off a little bit. If we go to our anual spring HS convention, we might then get them.

Jesus Will Still Be There
by Point Of Grace

Things change
Plans fail
You look for love on a grander scale
Storms rise
Hopes fade
And you place your bets on another day
When the going gets tough
When the ride's too rough
When you're just not sure enough

Jesus will still be there
His love will never change
Sure as a steady rain
Jesus will still be there
When no one else is true
He'll still be loving you
When it looks like you've lost it all
And you haven't got a prayer
Jesus will still be there

Time flies
Hearts turn
A little bit wiser from lessons learned
But sometimes
Weakness wins
And you lose your foothold once again
When the going gets tough
When the ride's too rough
When you're just not sure enough...

Chorus (2X)

When it looks like you've lost it all
And you haven't got a prayer
Jesus will still be there


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