Location: MICHIGAN, United States

Thank you for stopping by. It's my hope you find glimpses of my Savior interwoven thru my writings. I am the wife to one husband for over 25 years, a blessed mama to a dozen children, yes each born from me ~ two of which see Jesus face to face & ten at home, all of us yearning to see Jesus someday. We have been home educating for over 18 years with . . . well, another 15 years to go (the youngest is 3, the oldest 23!) I have walked through rejection, to continually learning I am CALLED, LOVED and forever KEPT by God - never, ever to be rejected by Jesus! (Jude 1:1) I've walked through deep sorrow to find that joy does come again, though the night may be long; I've witnessed God orchestrating miracles with my children still beyond my comprehension, & I am seeing new love forming as we begin a new road of older children finding life mates. My life has and is a journey, from the deepest, almost rock bottom pit, to stumbling through my faith and looking towards the ultimate climax of everlasting life in heaven. Will you be joining me here and there? ~ Loni

Sunday, June 19, 2005

20 Years of Blessings - Our Anniversary

Besides Father's Day today, it's our 20th anniversary. It's hard to believe - yet it seems like we've always been together too, and cannot imagine it without each other. Tomorrow is also Norm's birthday. It's kind of a meloncoly day. Norm had a rough time last night, just thinking of church, the recognition of dads, knowing how blessed we are, yet, that ache. He had tears last night. I had in my mind to call the pastor to make sure he did not make special recognition of him, being the father with the most children. He told me, he just could not face that this year. But this morning we woke up and he was just so broken hearted. I just cannot remember him ever being this sad, this long (thankfully). He said he could not make it to church. I understand, as we did not go on Mother's Day either. I went out and told the children daddy was having a rough morning & we would not be going to church. The girls first went in and hugged him. He was just quiet. Then Benjamin went in an snuggled with him, and they both started crying. Benjamin said too how much he misses Matthew. Norm told Benjamin and several of the kids how much he loves each of them, and does not love Matthew more. It's just an ache that doesn't completly ever leave. The kids were more quiet, and when Norm finally came out to the kitchen, he was about to start coffee, but the girls gave them their present - some new coffee samplers and coffee syrup. He enjoyed that.

So, we've just had a quiet, relaxing day, and Norm is doing better. We're just getting through another first.

It might not be a "happy" 20th anniversary, but as Norm said, we have each other, and our children, his parents, and extended family and friends, and have so much to be thankful for. We have gone through these past 20 years, up the mountains, and through the valleys, together, with God, and we know we will make it through this valley right now. We have been very blessed for 20 years, and do look forward to another 20 years of blessings.


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