Location: MICHIGAN, United States

Thank you for stopping by. It's my hope you find glimpses of my Savior interwoven thru my writings. I am the wife to one husband for over 25 years, a blessed mama to a dozen children, yes each born from me ~ two of which see Jesus face to face & ten at home, all of us yearning to see Jesus someday. We have been home educating for over 18 years with . . . well, another 15 years to go (the youngest is 3, the oldest 23!) I have walked through rejection, to continually learning I am CALLED, LOVED and forever KEPT by God - never, ever to be rejected by Jesus! (Jude 1:1) I've walked through deep sorrow to find that joy does come again, though the night may be long; I've witnessed God orchestrating miracles with my children still beyond my comprehension, & I am seeing new love forming as we begin a new road of older children finding life mates. My life has and is a journey, from the deepest, almost rock bottom pit, to stumbling through my faith and looking towards the ultimate climax of everlasting life in heaven. Will you be joining me here and there? ~ Loni

Sunday, December 25, 2005

My Gifts Under the Tree . .

The gifts I have been given are piled high under the tree. I do not mean material gifts like those we give to our loved ones at this time. I mean the ones God has blessed me with. I have been blessed first and foremost with His salvation, and eternity in heaven. Really, what more could or should I ask for? I have been blessed with His Word, the Bible, where in many countries many only have sections of Scripture, if at all. He has given me a loving, caring husband - the God-appointed man in my life, for the past 20 years. He has blessed me with 9 children on earth, and a daughter and son and three little ones in heaven, that makes heaven much sweeter. Our children here in our home are following God, and those old enough have made a clear profession of their faith in God. The younger ones have "child-like faith" that I am too many times lacking. We have food on the table at each meal, choices for meals, leftovers, and too many snacks available. We have overstuffed closets of clothes, and too many shoes to choose from (yet can't find a matching pair before church!!). We have piles of wood to put in the wood furnance, and a warm home. We have been blessed with a wonderful church family, a pastor that is truly a shepherd and friends that have walked this past year with us. We have "noise" in our home - from laughter, to the pitter-patter of little feet running down the hallway too early in the morning, to loud slobbery kisses with a sweet voice that says "I wuv you" and melts a heart. So, you see, I have many gifts piled beneath the tree. But I don't mean an evergreen tree, decorated with bright lights and shiny ornaments. I mean the tree that stood atop Calvary- the one stained red with the blood of the Savior who gives these gifts to me.