Location: MICHIGAN, United States

Thank you for stopping by. It's my hope you find glimpses of my Savior interwoven thru my writings. I am the wife to one husband for over 25 years, a blessed mama to a dozen children, yes each born from me ~ two of which see Jesus face to face & ten at home, all of us yearning to see Jesus someday. We have been home educating for over 18 years with . . . well, another 15 years to go (the youngest is 3, the oldest 23!) I have walked through rejection, to continually learning I am CALLED, LOVED and forever KEPT by God - never, ever to be rejected by Jesus! (Jude 1:1) I've walked through deep sorrow to find that joy does come again, though the night may be long; I've witnessed God orchestrating miracles with my children still beyond my comprehension, & I am seeing new love forming as we begin a new road of older children finding life mates. My life has and is a journey, from the deepest, almost rock bottom pit, to stumbling through my faith and looking towards the ultimate climax of everlasting life in heaven. Will you be joining me here and there? ~ Loni

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Oregano - a Fascinating Herb

One of my girls is planning to grow an herb garden starting this spring, and has been researching various herbs, and even starting some in her bedroom. One of the herbs she did some research on has fascinated us all is oregano. Now this oregano is not the type you put on your pizza, so in showing you the great health results from it, does not mean if you eat more pizza, you will be healthier! (That's what my children were hoping!).

One of the books that our daughter's research came from was The Cure is in the Cupboard - How to use Oregano for Better Health, by Dr. Cass Ingram's. The type of orgeno we are talking about is an herb that is actually grown in the Mediterranean. When you read of Hyssop in the Bible, this is actually Oregano. In our reading we have found that the best way to use it is using Oil of Oregano which is an essential oil derived from the leaves of wild oregano plants. We specifically got from our local health store "Oreganol". It costs approx. $30 for a small bottle. The oil has powerful antiseptic qualities, so it kills germs and bacteria on contact. The book will show you how to use oil of oregano to treat or reverse some common health problems including, colds, flu, rashes, nail fungus, gingivitis, yeast infections, acne, etc. We personally have found it works great for cancer sores. It is VERY strong - you only use a drop at a time. For the cancer sores I just put one drop on the sore. Water or juice needs to be used shortly afterwards because of the strong sting to it. But now our kids ask for it, because they know just a few times of using it, their canker sores are gone. We have also used it on some cuts the kids have had, and it too worked great as an infection fighter.

The author also has a webpage and one of his statements is: "I call wild Oregano Oil a 'Medicine Chest in a Bottle,' and every medicine chest is incomplete without this versatile essential oil."


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