What time do you usually wake up each day? If you could choose your wake-up time, when would it be? Between 9 and 10 am. My husband has worked 2nd shift for many years, and with homeschooling, we have stayed on that schedule. I wish I could be more of an early bird, and wake up around 8 am, but I am such a night owl - we are rarely in bed before 2 am!
When was the last time you bought groceries? What store did you go to? Name 3 things you purchased. Today! We mainly shop at Meijers. I had to purchase some fruit for a bridal shower for tomorrow - so 3 things I purchased were mangoes, watermellon, and strawberries.
How many books have you read so far this year? Which was your favorite and why? I have probably read at least 10 books. My favorite was When I Lay My Isaac Down by Carol Ken
Main Course
What is something you consider to be very elegant? In particular, what about that item/place/person conjures up the feeling of elegance? I really don't think of "elegant" things much, as we have a large family, and try to do things more "simple". But my most elegant thing I can think of in the past, is a bitter sweet memory, when we had our own Thanksgiving, instead of going to family or friends. We got out the good china dishes and real silverware, the nice glass goblets and fancy serving dishes, along with a nice tablecloth. I don't think I had ever used the good dishes with the children. We told the kids they all had to dress nice. They kept asking "why" and "who is coming over". It was just our family. We took a picture of all the children at the table. Little did we realize, what a precious memory we made, and the last picture of our children together. It was elegant for us.
Who taught you how to drive? I took driver's ed in high school (but only drove in the school parking lot) but then never got my license until I was finished with my first year in college, around age 21. I lived with a family for the summer between the two years I was in college, and the dad of the family did ride with me some. But being I was over 18 I did not need to by law get a lot of time in (scary), and so I took the test - failed the first time because I did not yield enough at a yield sign, and then tried a week or so later, and passed.
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