Doctor's Appt. & Updates
Thanks for the recent e-mails and several have asked how we are doing. It again is one day at a time. I would say "better" but there is still so many firsts. Stephen started a new job at an automotive repair place and likes it. He gets 45 minutes for lunch so we met him on Monday for lunch. It was a good time with him and neat seeing his maturity. When Matthew started working we would meet him one or two times a week or take him a shake or special coffee drink. These were special times with him last summer - which we are thankful for. It brought back the memories of that when we met with Stephen, and later as we were grocery shopping Norm especially got teary-eyed remembering. The ache - yet the thankfulness for the memories and new memories we are making.
We have another BIG hurdle to get through - the 4th of July. Every year we have a family reunion at one of Norm's aunts on a lake. The older kids usually go waterskiing or tubing. This was a big highlight of every year for Matthew. He was the one who just loved this. Last year with having his driver's license, he was pushing to go much earlier, taking his brothers. We have sweet memories of this, and pictures that we treasure from last year and many previous years. It will be hard this year. The kids do want to go, but it's the ache in these parent's heart. We've had a lot of encouragement from family to go, and they know how hard it will be, which helps.
Not Sad! - June 29
If you loved Me, you would rejoice because . . .
"I am going to the Father."
John 14:28. . . Death can't hold us in its grip when we know heaven awaits us. Jesus was speaking not only for himself but for His followers when He said that if we loved Him, we would be glad that He was going to His Father. We naturally want to hold our loved ones close to us for as long as possible, but the Bible says that going to be with Jesus is "far better" (Philippians 1:23). Even at death's door, we sorrow not as those who have no hope.